
Snow and the Dwarves: Epilogue

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Snow and the Dwarves: Epilogue

The trip home took longer than the trip to the castle had taken, mostly because they were traveling on foot, rather than by horse or magic. And they were further slowed by the fact that Whick was injured. But finally, after sundown, the mountain was in view, and not long after they arrived at the cottage.

As soon as Snick saw them from the window the entire family rushed out to them, hugging them tightly--though poor Whick felt more pain from the experience than anything.

The pair were quickly brought inside and given a good meal to eat while Blick tended to Whick's shoulder. Of course all the while Blick and Quee alternated between scolding them for running off, applauding them for their bravery and smothering them with affection.

When the excitement finally died down, Snow and Whick were able to each tell their stories, and all they had seen and gone through. "I knew that woman was a witch," Quee muttered. "No respectable, All-Father-fearing woman would do such horrid things!"

When Snow related the way she finally put an end to the evil queen everyone looked at her in amazement.

Blick laughed and patted her hand. "Ye would have made even the Valkyries proud, my girl."

Snow smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Papa..."

The packing had been put off after Snow had disappeared, but Blick warned against getting too comfortable. The queen was dead, but there might yet be repercussions. Frederick, of course, reassured them he would return to the castle and find out what was going on, but he didn't return for nearly a week.

When Frederick finally returned he smiled at the dwarf family. "I bring wonderful news!" he announced. He was invited to stay for dinner, and as they ate he explained all that had occurred in the kingdom since Snow defeated Lilith.

According to the servants Frederick had asked, some assassin had broken into the castle and evaded the guards who insisted he must have been some form of imp or demon--though the servants were saying this was an attempt to save face on their part--before breaking into the queen's chambers. When the guards got there, however, they found the room empty. But it was full of mysterious markings, as if for some kind of dark ritual. Rumors of the queen dabbling in witchcraft had circulated for years, so this came as no surprise to anyone. But the intruder, the Queen, and even Spiegel had all vanished as if into thin air. A search around the castle grounds had turned up nothing, though a local farmer discovered the body of an old woman in the woods.

The late king's cousin, the next in line for the throne, was called in immediately to help investigate the disappearance, but it was mostly for show. Though it wasn't spoken about in normal circles it was fairly common knowledge that the nobles had long wanted Lilith out of power, and had gone to many lengths to try and remove her. For all anyone knew, this "demon" had been one of their hired assassins who finally succeeded. No one was stepping forward to take responsibility, but no one seemed to genuinely care, either. For all intents and purposes, the king's cousin had taken control and had begun to set things right. The men she had forced into the service were allowed to return to their families at long last, leaving the regularly enlisted men to return to their former duties--a fact that would cause neighboring lands to breathe a sigh of relief.

Taxes would also be reduced once more, a great relief to the people of Lore as well as the nobles who resided over them. It would take some time to undo all the damage Lilith had done to the kingdom, but Frederick believed they were off to a good start.

"Of course this means I won't be in line for any thrones," he said with a slight smile, "but I think I might have a future here in Lore. I might join the royal guards. From what Whick says they could use some new blood. Besides, it's better than going home and telling mother I've yet to make anything of myself."

Glick smiled. "Does this mean you'll keep visiting, Frederick?" She chose to ignore Snick when he rolled his eyes.

Frederick smiled. "Well, that depends on whether or not Blick and Quee will be alright with it... and if Snow would like me to." He winked across the table at her and Whick frowned.

"You're welcome any time, Lad," Blick told him, choosing to ignore the look he got from Whick. We're glad to have a friend in ye, and we wish ye luck." He stood up and raised his glass with a smile. "A toast! To friends, to family, and to a bright future."

Everyone raised their glasses in toast and took a drink. After dinner was over Frederick prepared his horse. He would stay the night in the village--Quee almost offered to let him stay in the cottage, but Whick and Snow talked her out of it--and head back to the castle in the morning.

"I'm glad everything worked out," he told Snow as he climbed onto his horse. She had come out to see him off and he smiled down at her. "I never imagined I'd take part in such an adventure when I first came to Lore... You certainly know how to keep a fellow on his toes, don't you?"

Snow laughed a bit. "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm hoping to be a lot more boring from here on out."

"Oh, I doubt you could ever be boring, Snow..." He took her hand in his and kissed it gently. "Until we meet again, my dear."

Snow smiled, though she felt the kiss on the hand was a bit much. "Uh... yeah. Have a safe trip. And thanks for everything."

He smiled again as he took the reins. With a final wave he turned to the old dirt path and rode away toward the village. Snow waved back and turned around, unsurprised to see Whick there. "Hello, Whick," she said with a smirk. "Out for a stroll, are we?"

Whick just shrugged his shoulder. "Just... thought I'd come see Frederick off."

She grinned. "You mean to make sure he didn't try anything...?"

"Oh, shut up..."

Snow laughed a bit. "So how's your arm...?"

Whick looked at his arm as it rested in a sling. "Still hurts," he said, "but it'll heal. I just hate not being able to go to the mine to work..."

"Aw, not to worry, Whick. You'll be back to work in no time."

He nodded his head. "It also means I'll be around if Frederick visits again..."

"See? Then you won't have to be jealous."

"Jealous?" Whick rolled his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself, Snow." He turned away, about to go inside, but he paused. "So... does that mean you're not interested in him...?"

Snow just smiled. She could always see right through Whick, even when they were kids. She stepped forward and turned to face him, leaning down so her face was level with his. "I'm kind of already interested in somebody else," she told him, placing a brief kiss on his lips.

Flick and Plick came to the door just as Snow stepped away, and they didn't seem to notice the blush on Whick's face. "Come on," Plick called. "Papa's gonna tell us a story about the Midgard Serpent tonight!" The twins smiled and rushed back inside, and Snow smiled and took Whick's hand in hers.

"Come on," she said, "let's go hear Papa's story."

He smiled back and nodded his head, and together they went inside.

The End
Okay, here's the epilogue. As in the end.
Now on to the next story! (Hint: It involved a girl in red and werewolves)
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mdizzle999872's avatar
Yay werewolves!! Nice epilogue